Continuing our coverage from EAG: Day 2 saw Andrew Heighway and Dave Sanders of Heighway Pinball come in for a brief visit in the late afternoon. Apparently just prior to the show some technical difficulty made appearing at the show with a game not possible. Andrew then reasoned it would be better to make the right first impression, than an impression with just half a product, so HeighWay Pinball decided to just make a quick stop and head back the same night in order to continue to work on their game. There should however be some sort of presentation in London next month.
On the showfloor there was not that much news to report. The pinball games of both Jersey Jack and Stern got a lot of attention. On the morning of day 3 Pinball magazine did some interviews that may appear in Issue 2. Parts of these are likely to be published online prior to the appearance of the magazine.
That’s all for now.