- Advertising in Pinball magazine does not necessarily imply editorial endorsement. All advertisements are accepted subject to approval of copy and to space being available.
- Payment: Strictly 30 days from date of invoice. Please note that first time advertisers may be asked to pay a deposit.
- Late Cancellation: A fee of 50% of the booking charge may be applied when orders are withdrawn less than 20 days before press deadline. A fee of 100% of the booking charge may be applied when orders are withdrawn less than 10 days before press deadline.
- Late Delivery: Failure to supply artwork in the correct format by the deadline advised on the booking confirmation may result in your advertisement being omitted from the magazine, in which case, a fee of 100% of the booking charge will be applied. Alternatively, where copy or artwork does not reach the Publishers by the copy date we reserve the right to repeat the last advertisement of the nearest size. Any delays to production of the magazine as a result of the late delivery of artwork or inserts will necessitate a surcharge.
- Value Added Tax: VAT will be charged at the prevailing rate.
- Placement: No guarantee can be given for the insertion of an advertisement in any specified position, unless additional premium is paid, but, wherever possible, the Advertiser’s wishes will be observed. Pinball Magazine reserves the right to place multiple advertisements (from different advertisers) on a single page if the format of the advertisements allow that.
- While every effort will be made to keep prices stable, Pinball Magazine reserves the right to match any inflation in printing prices and overheads by increasing the prices quoted on this rate card, without prior notice. In addition, in the event of promotional opportunities substantially increasing the print run, we reserve the right to raise rates proportionally. In these cases quoted prices for confirmed bookings will be honoured.