With more and more companies getting into pinball manufacturing, which you can read all about on the monthly updated Who’s Working On What? section of this website, Pinball Magazine figured to list all publicly known companies below as a summary (in random order): Stern Pinball: Latest games include AC/DC Luci premium, Star Trek, Metallica and announced for January 2014 is 50 years of Mustang. Jersey Jack Pinball: Current game is The Wizard Of Oz, while The Hobbit has been announced for mid 2014. Spooky Pinball: Developing two Ben Heck’s America’s Most Haunted and Pinball Zombies from the Grave. Dutch Pinball: After upgrading The Machine: Bride of Pin-Bot with new rules and a dotmatix display (with the best animations in pinball ever), they are now developing…
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