Below is a selection of reviews and feedback received on Pinball Magazine No. 3.
- Pavlov Pinball
- Coast2Coast Pinball Podcast Episode 201 (Pinball Magazine comments start at 48:30)
- Pinballsupernova
- Three sides of the coin (KISS podcast) Episode 156, 04:40 – 11:30 (see brief transcript below)
Michael: “If you’re a KISS colloctor, a KISS magazine collector, if you own a KISS pinball machine – the original or the new one – you want this.”
Tommy: “It’s amazing!”
Michael: “About one third of this magazine is devoted to KISS pinball stuff. There’s a ton of photos of behind the scenes stuff. This is just so freaking cool and well done.”
Tommy: “When I started going through this I was like, here’s another article, here’s another photo, it’s just boom-boom-boom-boom thoughout the whole thing.”
Michael: “By all means: get it! …. This is qlearly in-depth. … I would guess the people behind this are KISS fans.”
Tommy: “It’s too cool not to be.”
Michael: “The quality and the depth they put into this is not done by someone who is assigned a project to write a story about KISS. … I feel like this was written by somebody who understands KISS.”
Show results:
- Play Expo, Manchester (U.K.): 2 boxes shipped, all available copies sold and 111 GBP raised for charity
- Pinball Expo (Wheeling, IL): 10 boxes shipped, all available copies sold. Around the show floor several posters of the cover where hung on several walls. Before the show was over all posters had “disappeared” and numerous requests for them came in.
Feedback taken from Facebook, online forums and email:
- “Hi Jonathan, I read about half of your magazine last night and the best way I can describe what I have read is you have made it possible to time travel. I can’t wait to finish reading the rest. Thank you so much for this publication.” – Jim Patla (designer of Bally’s KISS pinball machine)
- “Today, I received the hard copy of the magazine. I cannot get over the quality of the publication. First class, and I am proud to have contributed. My copy will remain front and center on the conference table in my office at JCM Global.” – Tom Nieman (marketer of Bally’s KISS pinball machine)
- “Huge thanks to @pinballmagazine for asking me questions I their latest issue so I could troll some answers and share some experiences 😉 I’m sure I sound like an ass – so ENJOY!!! An amazing magazine with some great stuff involving real pinball folks too – btw ;)” – Jeremy Packer (Zombieyeti, one of the graphic artists on Zidware’s KISS Pinball Maximus)
- “Received my copy of Pinball Magazine No. 3 today….Wow amazing! Thank you so much for all your hard work. You have an amazing magazine and the content is spectacular. It just gets better and better with each issue.” – Jay Richardson
- “Spectacular! The work you have put in is immense. Bravo! Again my greatest compliments. You are by far and away the standard bearer for all pinball magazines and articles in the World!” – Giacomo Malvermi (Pinball Creative)
- “Started reading this on the plane back from Pinball Expo. It’s fantastic!” – Randy Perlow (ColorDMD)
- “Box of great stuff arrived today! Ciuffo book & supplement, cool Postcard and Pinball Mag #3. Amazing quality all the way around, thanks again!” Vid1900
- “I bought one on Thursday, and was a bit surprised to see there is a picture of me in it. Yikes!
” – Methos
- “Mine came in the mail today too. Thanks Jonathan!” – Aurich
- “Yep, mine landed on my doorstep late this afternoon. Why am I online and not reading it?” – LarryMac
- “Mine came in the mail today, here in lonely South Dakota.” – Hans H.
- “Picked up one at Expo. Huge. I haven’t opened it yet. I wanted to do that when I had some time to start reading it.” – LTG : )
- “Got my copy yesterday! What a fantastic and well put together magazine (book). Great articles, pics, interviews and info. A must have for any pinball geek whether a KISS fan or not. Can’t thank you enough Jonathan for all your hard work and dedication. It’s awesome!! – Thundergod76
- “I have just received Pinball Magazine No 3 and I have to say it’s amazing! From packaging, print quality, articles, graffic design, everything is top notch and just screams quality! As a long time pinball collector and restorer I cannot thank you enough for this project you are doing with P.M. and your contribution to the pinball community with this amazing magazine! Thank you again and again!” – Sandro Torre
- “Just got it, the thing is a book!! Great stuff. Saw pics of The Big Lebowski and a couple others that have some…drama…surrounding them right now… Interested to read through and getting the scoop. Thanks again.” – Pinballfactory2000
- “I got the magazine yesterday and very impressive. Thanks for the little mention, appreciate the exposure and made me realise I will have to get a ad in your next magazine.” – Swinks
- “Fantastic magazine!” – Paul Garner
- “My wife picked up Pinball Magazine No. 3 from the table and said it’s more like a book. I agree, it is.” – Paul Rubens (Pavlov Pinball)
- “This thing is a freaking tome! At 250+ pages I am stunned by the amount of work you put in.” – Eric Kos
- “I just recently received my #3, and I’m pretty excited about it. I’m still in “looking at the pretty pictures” mode, but I’m really looking forward to reading the whole thing.” – Arno
- “My copy arrived today, very well-packaged and with no shipping damage. I haven’t yet had a chance to fully peruse its contents, but must mention that the glossy cover is a nice touch. Great work!” – Flerp
- “PM 3 is a masterwork! I love it! Perfect stories, especially the stories about the Bally’s early electronic pinball games. Great information!” – Guenter (Pindigi)
- “I got the magazine yesterday and it’s very impressive.” – Swinks
- “WOW what a great publication. It is more like a book, that is not only loaded with great color photos but great interviews and stories. Thank you again for sending it so well wrapped. I am sure it will become a pinball collectors item.”- Harold Balde
- “Just got mine today. I hope you didn’t have to do the packing for these. WOW! Great job on getting them here safely.”- ThePinballWorks
- “Picked up 3 copies at expo. Have not recovered enough from expo to read through yet! Will post my review when I do.” – MarcInc
- “Just got mine today. Package: A sopping wet sponge, as it was left in the rain.
Magazine: Bone dry!
Well done sir! Can’t wait to read it.” – Goonie
- “Mine came in the mail today!
As others have said ,packaged up very well . It would take a lot of abuse to damage it. Great job Jonathan!” – RonLisa
- “Great read. Was really looking forward to the interview with John Borg, except Borg’s answers were like some kid forced to sit down and talk. So much non-answers for every question
Maybe he is just like that tho, shrug. Reading it was frustrating.” – BloodyCactus
- “Received mine a couple days ago. Another great issue . This isn’t a magazine, its a novel. Well worth the price . I did a mini review on my blog with a couple pics.” – Wiggy07
- “Just wanted to say, I really love the new Pinball magazine issue#3. I was wondering if you sell a poster or cover photo of the #3 issue?” – David P.
- “Thanks for your hard work with the magazine. I am through half of the copy I received and I am really impressed about quality and depth. Big addition for every pinball fan to the hobby!” Harold K.
- “+1 on the great packaging! You found the perfect formula 🙂 Another job well done Jonathan. I have had a chance to read the “magazine” and am amazed at the amount of great material you have produced – again! Top quality as well. Well worth the wait for sure. I especially enjoyed the interviews. Keep it up!” – Trapper08
- “Got it! Great!!…as usual…
” – Ted
- “Received mine yesterday, impressive again!!” – Jeroen
- “The magazine is even better and it was worth the wait, not that it took very long to arrive. Another wonderful coffee table book” – Richard
- “I received my magazines yesterday. Had a quick look already and they look terrific. I have a pinball meet on Friday and will make sure I take them with me to show them around for everyone to see. Thanks for the great work.” – Roland
- “Recieved my order today. What a beautiful job done on the magazine. I don’t know if it’s fair even to call it a magazine. Very nicely done. Also very well packed for shipping. Thanks again for all the hard work you put into this.” – Bryan
- “I received mine today. Amazing quality. Great job on shipping. The extra protection from the perfectly sized cardboard box and then bubble wrap and finally a poly sleeve is top notch. This is the way shipping should always be done.” – Nate
- “Like everyone else, I am very impressed with the packaging and the size of the publication. Tomorrow I delve into the content.” – TX Stargazer3
- “The magazines arrived yesterday. These are for birthday presents for my friend (who owns 10 games, just like I do). I opened the package carefully and secrectly have read the magazines last night and I find them great! These are just like collectors items. I recommend Pinball Magazine to everyone here who is interested in pinball and/or has any pins.” – Raino
- “Keep up the great work. Really love your “magazine”, (book). I have all 3.” – Tim
- “Well done, as always.” – Kevin
- “We discuss PinballMagazine in next week’s episode… order yourself a copy of this issue today! TONS of KISS pinball content… interviews, photos and much more.” – Three sides of the coin podcast
- “Got the magazine a few days ago. Probably the best mag ever !!!!!!!! Awesome. Keep up the good work. Worth every penny!” – Richard
- “Mine arrived yesterday (full set) and I haven’t plunged a ball since as the “books” are amazing! These are a must have for all pinball collectors, so many interesting facts and interviews. Thanks Jonathan for all your work I’m down for every future issue as they just get better!” – Geoff.
- “I picked up this to go along with my Bally Kiss machine. Very excellent articles with some great interviews. Loaded with pictures to go along with the articles. Worth every penny.” – Riptor
- “I got mine today!!! Thank YOU!!!! It is better than I imagined. Great read with great pictures.” – Ben
- “I got your magazine last Thursday, right before Xmas. Well packaged and in great shape. And it was worth the wait– amazing photos and info, and superb full color paper quality all around! What a magnificent volume it is! And I would never have known about it if not for the fine folks of the Three Sides of the Coin Youtube channel (Michael, Mark and Tommy).” – John
- “This is the first time I get a printed copy (I ussually read it online) and I must say I’m ABSOLUTELY AMAZED! Such a luxurious piece of work! (and I agree, it’s more a book than a magazine) I was especifically interested in this one because Bally’s Kiss is one of my all time favourites, and the amount of information this issue contains is totally overhelming!” – Gaston (Argentina)
- “@KISSOnline @PinballMagazine great publication from across the pond! I have issues 1 and 2. This one is def on my list of things to get! These mags are beautiful and great journalism as well!” – The Wax Nostalgic
- “I wanted to get in touch to let you know that I have received my copy of Pinball Magazine issue 3 and let me say from the outset, WOW, it is superb – from the great (safe) postal packaging, bubble wrap with personal note, to the very thick (plenty of awesome pages) magazine!
I honestly haven’t been this excited to receive a magazine since I was a teenager in the 80s! I can’t wait to get stuck into reading this issue.” – Alex (AusRetrogamer) - “Just received Volumes 2 & 3, after I placed the order 14 days ago. I must say I am very impressed with the entire process, the packaging, and the magazine itself. Well done. Better than expected for sure. I will be ordering Volume 1 later tonight! Thank you!” – DJRedDog
Hey there! Got my birthday copy of issue three a few days ago! This isn’t a magazine, it’s a full blown coffee table book!! Amazing work and a great compliment to Santiago’s book!! Thanks man! Reagan-Worcester/Boston MA
I’m interested in getting this pinball magazine. Where do I order it?